Ok - just had a call from Heff out near Agincourt Reefs and here are the latest tallies:
Apparently the bank is quiet, all the action is up on Escape & the bottom of the Ribbon Reefs, Stay tuned!
22 Strikes, 19 Hook-ups, 11 Tagged fish
Leading Vessel: Reel Impression and Joe Joe with 3 tags
Port Douglas Marlin Challenge top 3 positions!
C'mon boys! Let's tag some more before cease fishing!
An excellent meal was enjoyed by all before the trophies were presented and glasses raised to toast the winners. Congratulations to Brendan Fairburn for tagging 2 Marlin during the competition, with one of them estimated to put him into the much sought after 1,000lb club!
Congratulations go to John Pecl and the crew of MV Reel Impression for putting Brendan in the right place at the right time and all their hard work to make the tags possible.
Reel Impression with 4 tags, skippered by John Pecl.
Brendan Fairburn with 2 tags.
Sarah Jackson (MV Hellraiser)
Day 1 MV Joe Joe
Day 2 MV Reel Impression
Day 3 MV Reel Chase
Day 4 MV Kyrenia