Strikes 34
Hookups 29
Tagged Black Marlin 16
Day 1 - Duyfken
Day 2 - Zulu
Day 3 - Saltaire
Day 4 - Wild Turkey
Alex Dumas aboard Kyrenia
Gary Goddard aboard Hellraiser
Reg Moore skippering the Duyfken vessel
Gary Goodard aboard Hellraiser
Won by the crew of Duyfken
A very special mention goes to our small but very hard working committee in Jenni Sorensen, Skye Thomson, Phil Holloway, Rob Palethorpe, Damon Gruzdev and Heff.
A bigger mention goes to our wonderful sponsors who donated an array of sensational prizes including: Bransfords Tackle, Nautical Marine, Perrin Clarke - Image Bank photography, Alvey Gunnell Rods, Revolver Lures, Black Pete Game Fishing, GBR Helicopters, Lotsa Printing